Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen and mortierbrigade aim for justice on Father’s Day
Sunday, June 9 was election day in Belgium. The polls promised little good, with consistent results above 27% for the far-right Vlaams Belang. The party grew with outspoken positions against refugees and other migrants. A trend also seen in the rest of Europe.
June 9 was also Father's Day in Belgium. A perfect coincidence that called for an appropriate message.
For two decades, Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen has been advocating for the rights of refugees in the country and conducting remarkable campaigns to change public opinion.
To sway voters at the last minute, mortierbrigade and Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen created a poignant video and visual. Message: give him a real gift for Father's Day. Don't vote for a party that wants to send his family away.
The message was spread via social media and was also featured in the largest morning newspaper 'De Zondag' on the election morning.
It is hard to assess the real impact of the campaign in such a short time, but the election result was certainly heartwarming: The extremist party finished second with 22.7% and is once again excluded from power.
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